Talking About Contemporary Music in a Helpful Way

Talking About Contemporary Music in a Helpful Way

Over the years I have learned the importance of being able to speak to general audiences. It doesn’t matter if you are presenting your own work or if you are a director of an ensemble or a passionate board member of a new music organization. New audiences can only benefit from getting to know you and your vision of the music. In words, not just notes.

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How to Be While in Rehearsals

How to Be While in Rehearsals

There’s nothing quite like sitting through a rehearsal of your new work. Many readers of New Music Box will know this feeling. You are simultaneously evaluating the piece, assessing the performance, and keeping a mental tally of things you need to tell the musicians. I know people who have purposely worn dark colors to rehearsals because of the secret world of sweating that happens with a new work.

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